Diplomat Risk Intelligence

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Joshua Kurlantzick

Joshua Kurlantzick is a veteran analyst of U.S.-Asia relations, Southeast Asian business and politics, Chinese politics and economics, political and economic risk, and foreign investment in Asia.

Joshua Kurlantzick is Senior Fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations.

He is a veteran analyst of U.S.-Asia relations, Southeast Asian business and politics, Chinese politics and economics, political and economic risk, and foreign investment in Asia.

He also has done extensive consulting work on Asia’s broader political risk and U.S. policy toward Asia, and on specific sectors and firms in Asian countries, for hedge funds, major companies in both the United States and Asia, political risk outfits, Asian ministries, and financial institutions, among others.

His work has included both broader political risk analysis and specific due diligence and other investigative work.

His experience spans from Southeast Asia to South Asia to Australia to Northeast Asia.

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